Utilizing Large Language Models (OpenAI and Llama2) for Test Case generation

09/11/2023 12:00

Gratis webinar via Zoom

We’ll cover:

  1. AI in Testing: Uncover how AI is revolutionizing testing processes.
  2. Generative AI and LLMs: Explore the power and potential of Generative AI and LLMs in general.
  3. Current Landscape of LLMs: Get an overview of the latest developments in LLM technology.
  4. Demo: Witness AI-generated test case scenarios in action.
  5. Limitations and Privacy: Understand the challenges and ethical considerations.

This seminar will provide you with a quick yet comprehensive insight into these transformative technologies, equipping you with essential knowledge for the future of testing

Kurt Neuskens


Kurt Neuskens boasts a distinguished professional background in the realm of Business Intelligence, coupled with a profound passion for the fields of data science and Artificial Intelligence, particularly in the context of testing. His expertise extends to his role as the product owner of the innovative Quality Intelligence solution, and he is a valued member of the accomplished Resillion AI team.


Utilizing Large Language Models (OpenAI and Llama2) for Test Case generation

09/11/2023 12:00